Tag Archives: Agni Rasayana


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Cancer is caused due to the mutation in the cells, which divide uncontrollably, so as to form an abnormal mass of cells inside the body. Nausea, loss of appetite, constipation, and fatigue are common problems in cancer patients undergoing chemo and radiation therapy. Adjunct treatment with herbo-mineral and metallic Ayurvedic

Fight & Win Autism Spectrum Disorder with Ayurveda

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Although having a loved one with autism can have its challenges, there’s hope from ancient ayurvedic wisdom that can help to ease your autistic child. Autism spectrum disorder can delay a child’s physical, cognitive and social development, including motor skill development, learning, and communication, and interacting with others. The earlier

Gaining Victory Over Trigeminal Neuralgia with Ayurveda!

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Eating, talking, smiling or simple facial movements aren’t supposed to hurt, but when you have trigeminal neuralgia, you know how extreme the pain can be. Patients with trigeminal neuralgia and other facial pains often need to develop integrative armamentarium, to fight and win their pain. When the trigeminal nerve is

Ayurvedic Treatment for Uterine Fibroids

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The best Ayurvedic treatment for fibroid depends on individual condition of the patient. Her fibroid symptoms, age, current body weight and whether she wants children. Many factors go into choosing the best treatment for fibroids. Ayurvedic therapies and remedies are effective treatment modality in uterine fibroid. Agni Rasayana, Omni Amritam,

AYUSH Cannabis to Stay Healthy After Cancer

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The human mind was created with genes. It carries so many powers /characteristics/diseases also and has the power to skip generations. Cancer is caused by genetic changes to DNA. There are herbs that can act on the mind and impact genes. This knowledge may help cancer patients. Lung cancer is

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