Protect Heart and Lungs to increase life expectancy of DMD boys.

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DMD is a progressive muscle weakness with an unfavourable prognosis and a limited life expectancy. Causes of death is acute pneumonia, cardiac arrest, acute respiratory distress and multi-organ failure. Main cause remains cardio-respiratory failure. Ventilatory failure from muscle weakness requires mechanical support for ventilation and coughing. Today non-invasive positive-pressure ventilation is the method of choice for supportive long-term mechanical ventilation in DMD. Mechanical in-insufflator is popular device for assisted coughing. Though DMD is ultimately a fatal disease, quality of life and life expectancy can be markedly improved if cardiopulmonary manifestations are adequately treated. The effect of yogic practices on the cardio-autonomic functions has been demonstrated in various neurological conditions and may prove beneficial in DMD.

It is the vital force Prana that makes us alive. The main operative site of Prana is two vital organs, the lung and heart which operate 24/7 effectively for us to live healthily. These major organs require a lot of nutrition, a balanced diet and proper care to ensure it works well. As per the World Health Organization, 92% of the world’s population is breathing polluted air. The harmful tiny toxic elements can diffuse deep into the respiratory and cardiovascular system damaging them and leading to untimely death.

In several Indian metro cities, air pollution is the primary trigger for breathing problems in children and the elderly. There are several therapies and remedies that support our Prana system. Ayurvedic Nasyam Karma is simple therapy includes the installation of medicated drops through the nostrils which prevents allergies caused by air pollutants. Yogic breathing exercises like pranayama, kapal bhati etc. can be of significant help in cleansing the airway and combating the ill effects of pollution. Some Rasayana medicines like Mamsagni and Sukumar Guggul Rasayana can be consumed on a regular basis to strengthen the respiratory and immune system. Herbal support of Arjuna and Pippali can protect your heart and lung.

Heart rate variability (HRV) is shown to be a predictor of cardio-autonomic function. Physiotherapy along with Yogic support (Physio-Yoga) is advised for these children as a regular treatment for maintaining their functional status.

Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) promotes heart health. The efficacy of Arjuna as an anti-ischemic agent, a potent antioxidant, and an antiatherogenic agent has been amply demonstrated in various clinical studies. The arjuna extract significantly lowered systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Arjuna as supportive supplement is safe for lasting relief in symptoms and signs of heart failure along with improvement in left ventricular ejection phase indices with definite improvement in quality of life.

Sukumar Guggul Rasayana is unique blend of Guggulipids, Withania somnifera, Inula racemosa, processed with Shilajeet and Yashad bhasma. It is efficient formula to prevent cardiomyopathy. Similarly Mamsagni Rasayana is excellent formula of Boswellia serrata, Withania somnifera processed with Curcumin and gold bhasma.

Pippali is an ultimate safe ayurvedic remedy for all sorts of respiratory disorders like asthma, bronchitis, cough and cold. Pippali provides relief from cough and congestion and also helps in removing phlegm deposits from the respiratory tract. It removes the obstruction of mucus and improve flow of Prana. The small (Chhoti) variety of Pippali suppresses inflammation of both acute and sub acute phase while large (Badi) variety of Pippali is efficient in acute phase of respiratory distress.

Nerve Damage and Neuropathy

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Consciousness is everything you experience, while Prana is the “life force” which flows through nerves. The
Pain and altered sensation; tingling; pins and needles sensations; burning; increased sensitivity to touch; muscle weakness or wasting; paralysis; dysfunction in organs or glands; or impairment to urination and sexual function are common problems associated with Neuropathy. There are more than 100 types of neuropathy. The most common causes are diabetes, over weight, blood pressure, auto-immune disorders, metabolic toxins, chronic liver failure and kidney diseases, hypothyroidism, amyloidosis, chemotherapy, ageing and poor nutrition. Healthy diet, drinks & Nerve supplements, and immuno-modulators along with Yogic breathing (Pranayama) are efficient Ayurvedic resources for prophylaxis and lasting relief.

Our brain is a bundle of neurons (nerve cells) and responsible for actions, and functional abilities along with thoughts, memory, and speech. Any disease or damage in the nerves leads to different kinds of disabilities. Nerves damage can lead to paralysis, weakness of muscles, lack of coordination, loss of sensation, seizures, pain, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, erratic levels of consciousness, and many others. Ayurvedic therapies and remedies offer the safest treatment for disabling neuro-muscular problems.

Several blood tests help in the diagnosis. These can detect vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, abnormal immune function, and other indications of conditions that can cause peripheral neuropathy. Imaging tests such as CT and MRI, Nerve function tests, Electromyography, and nerve biopsy may be needed to pinpoint the root cause of nerve damage.

There are several chemotherapeutic medicines that are known to be neurotoxic and can damage nerves and can lead to neuropathy. Similarily several herbs such as Acorus calamus rhizoma, Cannabis sativa, Withania somnifera, Semecarpus anacordium, Akarkara, and many more in herbal combinations are useful in the safe management of Neuropathy. Akarkara is generally used to manage pain and inflammation related to arthritis due to its antioxidant property. Cannabis extract is an effective treatment in attenuating diabetic neuropathic pain, possibly through a strong antioxidant activity and a specific action upon nerve growth factor.

Nigella sativa, Ocimum sanctum, Phyllanthus amarus, Phyllanthus niruri, and Sesbania sesban have been scientifically verified for their efficacy in neuropathic pain. Acorus calamus and Aconite are traditionally used in the treatment and management of pain and severe inflammatory in Ayurveda. It is commonly used to relieve the muscle, joint, vascular, and nerve injury associated with severe inflammatory and neuropathic pain. While oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction promote neuropathy, substances with an antioxidative potency are possible candidates for the treatment of nerve damage related disabilities. Ayurvedic supplements such as Neuro Cons, Myo Cons, Detox Drink,, and capsules are efficient as a supportive treatment of neuropathies. While nerve degeneration has multiple possible mechanisms, a combination of herbs and therapies might be a promising opportunity focusing on multiple targets of degeneration or activating regeneration.

Rasayana Treatment for Neuro-muscular Weakness

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Weakness is one of the predominant manifestations of neuromuscular disorders which strongly influences daily life. Ayurvedic Rasayana medicines and therapies are efficient in the long term management of Neuro-muscular problems. Ayurvedic herbo-metallic medicines are safe and effective to improve neuro-muscular functions. This is especially important to control symptoms, improve functional ability, and to prolong life.
Neuromuscular weakness happens when the nerves that control your body do not exchange information to your muscles normally. Or, you may have a condition that prevents your muscles from working properly. The usual cause of Neuromuscular weakness is muscular dystrophies, multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) autoimmune diseases, such as Graves’ disease, myasthenia gravis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome. thyroid conditions, such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

There are several Rasayana herbs and metallic medicines with a promise to help Neuro-muscular patients. The most promising Rasayana medicines are carefully prepared by processed Parad (Mercury) which is a well-known therapeutic agent in Ayurveda. It is only metal in the liquid poisonous form which can be converted into a powerful therapeutic molecule. Traditionally purified Parad is a very cost-effective and preventive drug. Parad is regarded as Amrita and can help improve neuro-muscular disabilities.

A liquid impure mercury through many stages of purification, samskaras, rituals, and churning becomes a therapeutic magic Parad. There is the spiritual mystery behind the alchemy of Parad. It is difficult to imagine the science of rejuvenation by modern chemistry. Processed Parad is called Ras and the ayurvedic medicine with processed mercury is called Ras Aushadhi.

A Rasayana medicine helps in achieving a stable mind and believed to be the best destroyer of the diseases. Aging can be prevented and longevity can be achieved by judicious administration of Rasayana medicine. Preparations containing Parad can be given with honey, powder of amla, ginger, lemon juice, like a suitable vehicle. Ayurvedic mercurial preparations can be used in the long term management of uncontrolled Neuro-muscular diseases.

In Ayurveda, heavy metals are converted into non-metallic form. This is a traditional specialty. Herbo-metallic compounds should be initially detoxified. The detoxification process involves various heat and cool cycles along with oil, buttermilk, rice gruel, cow’s urine, herbal decoctions, etc. From ancient times, garlic has been useful for the purification of Parad.
The Medhya Rasayana from Bacopa monieri, Centella Asiatica, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Tinospora cordifolia, and Convolvulus pleuricaulis are scientifically verified for their long term safety and efficacy. The Neuro Cons, Myo Cons, and Mamsagni Rasayana are very effective being used by AMDS India since 1995.

Nano Ayurvedic Rasayana for Weak Children with Birth Defects

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Congenital anomalies or birth defects are functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life. According to Ayurveda congenital anomalies are due to defect in germ cells or somatic cells in the intrauterine environment. Birth defects may be caused by the abnormal migration of neurons in the developing brain and nervous system. These types of abnormalities happen in the ovum or sperm (Beeja), chromosome (Beejabhaga), and DNA or gene (Beejabhagaavyava ) level. Children with severe lissencephaly (Smooth brain) have a poor life expectancy. Children with lissencephaly can show progress in their development over time. Supportive care may be needed to help with comfort, feeding, and nursing needs. Autistic behavior and Seizures may be particularly problematic. Ayurvedic Medhya Rasayana has promising effects in NMD especially mental retardation, spasticity, and seizures.

Ayurvedic treatment agenda focuses on improving brain damage by balancing biological force (Vata energy) and neuron protection. Intellect promoting herbs help in the rejuvenation of the damaged brain cells.  Bacopa monnieri, Centella asiatica, Convolvulus pluricaulis, Celastrus panniculatus, and Lavandula stoechas are interesting and effective nootropic herbs. These natural resources are efficient in the prophylaxis and treatment of congenital anomalies.

The administration of processed gold (Nano Rasayana) in children is a unique practice mentioned in Ayurveda as “Swarnaprashana”. The procedure in which nano gold along with herbs is taken in the form of liquid, semi-solid, or paste form by children orally is referred to as Swarnaprashana. The administration of nanogold in children can help in improving intellect, digestion and metabolism, muscle tone, immunity and to increase the life span. There are various formulations of nanogold processed with nootropic herbs for children with a small brain, mental retardation, spasticity, and seizures.

Ayurvedic Nano Rasayana is mainly implicated in two contexts: supplementary feeds (Lehana) and newborn care (Jatakarma Samskara) This unique administration of Ayurvedic nano gold may benefit at multiple levels like as a Neuro-muscular health promoter and to the enhancement of intelligence, digestion, metabolism, and immunity. Remember Ayurveda recommends only purified and processed form of gold for internal administration.

The Prana Drops are efficient in common pediatric problems. The active ingredients are Ocimum sanctum, O. basilicum processed with Centella asiatica, and Bacopa monnieri. This herbal blend regulates immunity and vitality. It reduces stress, enhances stamina, relieves inflammation, lowers cholesterol, eliminates toxins, protects against radiation, prevents gastric ulcers, lowers fevers, improves digestion, and provides a rich supply of antioxidants and other nutrients. , It is a natural immunity booster and helpful in all types of allergies. Prana drops is the best way of intestine cleaning and to remove the impurities of blood.

In view of the central nervous system, the effects of Saraswatarishta and Neuro Pills are useful in epileptic and hysterical seizures and Neuro-mental disorders. Ayurvedic Saraswataristam is useful to treat acute anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, partial loss of memory, low grasping power, slurred, or difficult speech.

आटिज्म, अटेंशन डेफिसिट सिंड्रोम

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आयुर्वेद एक समग्र दृष्टिकोण के तहत केवल मेडिसिन के बारे में नहीं बल्कि जीवनशैली में बदलाव लाने पर भी खास ज़ोर देता है। अच्छी स्मरण शक्ति और ध्यान फोकस करने की योग्यता के लिए तनाव में कमी और पर्याप्त नींद महत्वपूर्ण आवश्यकताएं हैं। इन दिनों भूलने की आदत और याद्दाश्‍त या मेमोरी और एकाग्रता में कमी से संबंधित समस्याएं आम बीमारी होती जा रही हैं। नए शोध दर्शाते हैं कि मेमोरी से जुड़ी समस्या, ध्यान भटकना और ब्रेन डिजनरेशन से निपटने में आयुर्वेद की जानकारी बेहद प्रभावकारी होती है। ब्रेन की शक्ति बढ़ाने आयुर्वेदिक सप्लीमेंट्स जैसे ओमनी सेप्ट , ओमनी पिल तथा मेध्य रसायन पूरी तरह प्रभावी एवं सुरक्षित हैं। अश्वगंध, ब्राह्मी तथा शंखपुष्पी जैसी हर्ब्स से निर्मित उपरोक्त सप्लीमेंट्स न केवल मेमोरी को सुधारते हैं बल्कि तनाव व एंग्‍जाइटी कम करते है और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार आता है। इसके साथ ही इससे नर्व सेल डेन्ड्राइट्स की लंबाई में वृद्धि द्वारा सीधे तौर पर मेमोरी, सीखने और ब्रेन के अन्य कार्यों को बढ़ावा मिलता है। इनके प्रयोग से डिजनरेटिव ब्रेन की बीमीरियों के खतरों को कम किया जा सकता है। आटिज्म, अटेंशन डेफिसिट सिंड्रोम तथा एपिलेप्सी के इलाज में उपरोक्त सप्लीमेंट्स प्रभावी सिद्ध्य हुए हैं। विशेष रूप से ध्यानाभाव एवं अतिसक्रियता जैसी बीमारी में आयुर्वेद इलाज कारगर देखा गया है

वातक्षयज मांसपेशी दौर्बल्य Myasthenia gravis

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Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a disabling and sometimes fatal autoimmune disorder where there is an error in the transmission of nerve impulses sent to the muscles. Currently, there is no cure, but Ayurvedic treatments are efficient to target symptom control.

For normal muscular contraction, the neuro-muscular impulses generated in the motor neurons in the cerebral cortex reach the motor neurons in the spinal cord, and from the motor neurons in the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord, the nerve impulse ultimately reaches the neuromuscular junction (motor endplate). Here, acetylcholine – ACh (neurotransmitter) is released in the synaptic cleft, the space between the nerve terminal and muscle fiber. The released acetylcholine (ACh) then binds with the acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) located in the cell membrane of the muscle fiber, and thus stimulate the local cell membrane.
The stimulation is called end plate potential. From the endplate potential, the impulse spreads across the muscle fiber. This is called the action potential. This action potential results in the contraction of the muscle fiber. The released acetylcholine (ACh) is instantly destroyed by an enzyme, called – acetylcholinesterase. If not done so, the released acetylcholine (ACh) will keep on stimulating the muscle fiber for a long time, which is not desirable. On the other hand, if the released acetylcholine (ACh) does not get the acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) to bind, it will not be able to bring about its desired action.
Autoimmune dysfunction due to Auto Toxins (Ama Visha)
The immune cells (T and B lymphocytes) produce autoantibodies against the acetylcholine receptors (AChRs), and destroy the same. That results in the reduced number of the total acetylcholine receptors (AChRs). Or, alternately, the auto-antibodies may attack the MuSK (muscle-specific kinase), a protein located on the cell membrane of the muscle cell, and thus prevent the muscle fiber from contraction.
In such a situation, because of the lack of the acetylcholine receptors (AChRs), the acetylcholine released in the synaptic cleft will not be able to act, with the result that the muscle fiber will not contract. This situation manifests as fatigue and muscle weakness, the two key symptoms of myasthenia gravis known as वातक्षयज मांसपेशी-दौर्बल्य in Ayurveda.

The ayurvedic treatment focuses on
(i) Managing the immune dysfunctions through anti-Ama measures
(ii) Supporting to neuro-muscular functions
(iii) Optimizing the overall health through Rasayana treatment.

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