Monthly Archives:November 2012

Ayurveda in CG

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Chhattisgarh Quality health care and low cost gives Indian Ayurveda a competitive advantage in the medical tourism industry. Raipur Nov 27, 2012 High quality health care and low cost gives Indian Ayurveda a competitive advantage in the medical tourism industry. People with uncontrolled medical neuro-muscular conditions such as Muscular dystrophy,


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Autism is a complex dis-ability that affects the perception, processing and functioning of brain.  Autistic children have difficulties in verbal & non-verbal communication, and often have delayed language development. They also have mental retardation. About 10-20% autistic children begin to improve between 4 to 6 years of age and eventually

DMD Treatment Options

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Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder that causes muscles to gradually weaken over time. A person with DMD will eventually lose the ability to walk and will have problems with breathing and his or her heart.  Children who have DMD make no or low amounts of a protein called

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