Regular physiotherapy and Yogic support is useful to maintain mobility, proper positioning, and prevention of contracture and deformities.  These programs minimize the development of contractures and deformities through a programme of stretches and appropriate exercises.

Prevent disability & Deformity with Physiotherapy

# Stretching (1)   Ankles (2)    Knees (3)    Hips(4)   Ilio-tibial(5)   Elbows(6)    Wrist, Elbow & Fingers (7)  Self stretch for the calf. (8) Self stretch for Knees
# Range of Motion Exercises  (1)   Head and Neck (2)    Shoulder and Elbow (3)   Forearm exercises (4)   Wrist exercises (5)  Hand and Finger exercises (6)   Hip and Knee exercisesAnkle and Foot exercises
# Breathing Exercises  Spirometry: to improve the functioning of lungs.
Deep Yogic Breathing.
Gentle Pranayamas





Online Registration for Ayurvedic Therapies with Dr. Mukesh D. Jain

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