The human body is a wonderful machine, but like all machines, it needs to be nurtured, maintained and cleansed regularly to prevent accumulation of unwanted deposits and toxins, to run smoothly. However, the fast-paced life we lead today interferes with the eating, sleeping and eliminating functions, making it very difficult for us to keep our bodies free from toxins. For, while it is easy to wash off external grime and dirt, we can’t scrub our internal organs!
Ayurveda identifies Ama, (auto-toxins) as one of the culprits for poor health. These are produced in the body due to seasonal changes, ageing, unhealthy food and lifestyle, among other reasons. There are three types of ama, of which the first kind – sticky ama – is produced due to the accumulation of fetid and decomposed food in the large intestines. As a result, the digestive enzymes stop functioning properly and the system gets affected, causing illness. In fact, the first stage of any disease is sometimes called ama, which in Sanskrit means undigested or uncooked.
Our gut has a lot more importance in our body than we give it credit for. Scientists call it the ‘second brain’, because of its very intricate web of over 100 million neurons. It is estimated that 95% of serotonin, the chemical that influences our moods is found in the guts. Not just all these, but the gut also controls the immune system of the body. Naturally, when the gut is polluted, it affects not only our physical but also our emotional wellbeing.
Elimination of toxins from the deeper tissues, organs and channels is achieved through detox and rejuvenation treatments, which are at the core of Ayurveda. While some of the cleansing treatments are complicated and need expert supervision, there is a super-easy way to detoxify. A team of senior Ayurvedic physicians led by the world-renowned Dr. Mukesh D. Jain has created a wonderfully cleansing Detox Drink – a completely natural herbal drink made with scientifically proven Ayurvedic herbs. It not only detoxifies the body, but also provides immense health benefits.
Detox Drink
 strengthens the functionality of digestive and respiratory systems.
 improves the functional capacity of the heart, regulates blood pressure, blood sugar and blood cholesterol,
while improving RBC levels.
 stimulates the kidneys to increase urine output.
 controls irritability, mental debility, anxiety, sleep disturbance and aggressive behavior.
 enhances memory and concentration contributing to overall intelligence.

Detox Drink contains a blend of the following scientifically verified detox herbs:
Ginger, whose anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties may help to prevent heart disease, neuro-degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s cancer, as well as symptoms of aging.
Tulsi helps in oral care, respiratory and lung disorders, fever, heart diseases and stress.
Gotu kola is a psychic and spiritually transformative and adaptogenic herb, which enhances intelligence and memory, fortifies the immune system, helps in hair growth, strengthens the adrenals, aids digestion, is useful in treating varicose veins, tones up circulation. It also helps purify blood and is good for chronic skin conditions such as eczema.
Sappon wood also known as Caesalpinia sappan is a medicinal and dye yielding plant, which kills bacteria, reduces swelling, and relieves pain. It promotes blood circulation and enhances cardiovascular contraction. It also helps in hypnotizing and anaesthetizing the central nerve, to relieve pain.
Eclipta Alba (Bhringaraj) has long been recognised by Ayurvedic physicians for its liver protective abilities. It is the drug of choice to treat liver diseases such as jaundice and hepatitis and is an integral part of any detoxification regime.
Cinnamon is loaded with anti-oxidants and is scientifically verified for its anti-inflammatory properties. It minimizes the risk of heart diseases and can improve sensitivity to the hormone insulin. It lowers blood sugar levels and has a powerful anti-diabetic effect.
Arjun, also known as Terminalia Arjun has been used to balance the three “Patho-physiological factors viz., the Tridoshas identified by Ayurveda as Kapha, Pitta and Vata. The bark of Arjun has been used in India, primarily as a heart remedy for more than 3000 years.
Clove, also known as Syzygium aromaticum, is rich in antioxidants. Cloves provide fiber, vitamins and minerals like manganese, vitamin K and vitamin C.
Cardamom improves blood circulation, provides gastrointestinal protection, cholesterol and cancer control and relieves cardiovascular problems. It is useful for curing dental diseases and urinary tract infections such as cystitis, nephritis, and gonorrhea. Cardamom possesses aphrodisiac properties and is also used as a cure for impotence, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation.
Peppermint Leaves or pudina, are beneficial to the respiratory system, including in the treatment of coughs, colds, asthma, allergies and tuberculosis.
Detox Drink gives our internal organs, tissues and mind a regular ‘scrubbing’ to rid them of all accumulated toxins. All you need to do is add a pinch of it in half a glass of water and drink first thing in the morning. Did you ever believe that internal cleansing could be so simple?
Go on, give Detox Drink a try and welcome a world of wellness into your body and mind!

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